Maribel Quezada Smith

Nice to meet you! I’m Maribel. A person who does many things. Among them, I’m an award-winning bilingual producer, director and writer with over 17 years of expertise developing meaningful content for global audiences.

Before launching my own production company (Diferente Creative), I spent many years producing TV shows for Discovery Networks, Netflix, TLC and A&E, among other networks.

In 2018, inspired by my passion for creating meaningful content, I did something that was completely new and scary. I started my own podcast, “Diferente”. This little podcast (currently on pause) served as a catalyst of change in my life, opened doors for me, and led me to where I am now.

Today, I help entrepreneurs, startups and growing brands build deeper connections with their ideal customers through meaningful video and audio content. My team and I have produced content for brands like AARP, NBC Sports GolfNow and iHeart Podcasts. And I’m currently a Producer and Co-host of the popular Pulso Podcast.

By the way… In 2021, noticing the need for community in the podcasting space, I co-founded BIPOC Podcast Creators, an organization devoted to amplifying the voices and stories of people of color.

Beneath everything I do, there is a force of passion that I cannot always explain (es como una mezcla de intuición y energía), that challenges me to always keep learning and growing.

Want more. Give more.

My ultimate purpose is to empower entrepreneurs, startups and growing brands to build a deeper connection with their ideal customer through meaningful video and audio content. Check out some of my select case studies, projects and clients I’ve helped in the past decade.

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Other Brands in my portfolio:

These are some of the brands I’ve helped create meaningful content for in my career.

Ready to get started on your next video or podcast project?

Let’s begin here